I obtained a Ph.D from the Department of Business and Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona
My research is mainly focused in the interaction between finance and psychology using behavioral economics insights.
On the side of finance, I am especially interested in understanding collective behavior in asset markets. In particular I use laboratory experiments to investigate two different but related phenomena: Asset Bubbles and Ponzi scheme.
In psychology I like to understand how individual characteristics and mental processes can affect people decisions when facing uncertain or risky situations such as trading, starting a new business or negotiating.

Articles in refereed journals
Interest on Cash, Fundamental Value Process and Bubble Formation
An Experimental Study with Janet Hua Jiang and Yiping Xu. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2016
The effect of crime perception and information format on tourists’ willingness to Travel
With Josep Maria Raya. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 2018
Can information regarding previous sales stabilize house price index?
Evidence from Spain with Josep Maria Raya. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2020
Incentive magnitude, reference point shifting and intrinsic motivation
A Laboratory Experiment with Roberto Dopeso. International Journal of Manpower, 2022
Comparing Digital Strategies and Social Media Usage in B2B and B2C Industries in Spain
With David López López. Journal of Business to Business Marketing, 2020 See articleMonetary Policy and Asset Price Bubble: a laboratory experiment
With Jordi Galí and Charles Noussair. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2021
Only the smartest? Motivating job characteristics for all ability levels and their impact on job satisfaction
With Roberto Dopeso and Aleksander Kucel. Bulletin of Economic Research, 2022
Moral Support and Performance
With Fabrizio Colella and Patricio Dalton. Management Science, 2023
Working Papers
Recreating the South Sea Bubble: Lesson from an Experiment in Financial History
With Charles Noussair and Joachim Voth
Does it pay to be good? The effect of companies’ CSR practices on investors’ financial decisions
With Sandra Llorens
The benefit of using sport celebrities in advertisement for non-sport brands: evidence from a laboratory experiment with
With Helena M Hernández-Pizarro , Elena Domingo RegueroHousing Consumption and Bubble Size
With Stefanie J. Huber and Christina Rott See articleWork in Progress
Reducing Overconfidence in Experimental Financial Market
With Monica Oviedo and Annick Torres